Patients at Costa Acupuncture will often ask us if we know of places where they can learn Tai Chi and or Chi Kung (also spelled Qi Gong). I highly recommend both to anyone who is looking for a practice to relieve stress and strengthen their overall health and well being.
There are many variations of both Tai Chi and Chi Kung. Tai Chi is a sequence of martial arts movements performed at a very gentle pace. Some of the more popular styles of Tai Chi include Yang, Chen, and Wu styles. Chi Kung consists of individual exercises or postures that are performed for various reasons such as martial arts, medical conditions, or just to maintain health and wellness.
Some locations on the Westside that teach regular classes are:
Marina Del Rey/Culver City
Yo San University
Santa Monica
The Wellness Living Store
Sacred Energy Arts
The Learning Garden in Venice
There are also some free basic chi kung exercises that I have posted at as a resource.
It is not important to practice one particular style of Chi Kung or Tai Chi. The benefits of Tai Chi and Chi Kung can be very subtle at first, but with time and consistent practice, positive results will be achieved. .
Let us know if you know of any other ongoing classes in the Los Angeles area or if you have had any positive experiences with either Tai Chi or Chi Kung.